The restoration process is simple and easy to do. Painting contractors can do it quickly and easily. Homeowners commonly do it themselves. The restoration process is illustrated here: Six Steps to Restoration with Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer. The first three steps are explained below:
"(We've handled) window sills, decking, (and) porch dry rot. (It's) a very empowering product-having taken us off our dependence on "handy-people" who have charged us too much for too little in such repairs, i.e., inferior results. Here's One Reason Why This Is The Only Technology That Works:
Here's Proof: Here's Another Reason Why: Here's Proof: Here's What Professionals Need to Know: Section IV, paragraph 8.6 of Restoration of Rotted Wood with a Flexible Penetrating Resin. Here's How an architect can specify the products for Restoration or for Painting. Here's More Proof: Here's Another Reason Why: Wood naturally contains water, typically 8% to 15%, even 25% or more in humid environments such as around boats or in chronically humid climates. The solvent system that carries the natural wood resins of Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer into the wood has to be capable of dissolving that water, so that the penetration show in the prior examples can happen. Products made using water-repellent petrochemicals such as benzyl alcohol cannot do this. None of Smith's products use benzyl alcohol. Here's Still Another Reason Why: "I've been in the 'Period House' restoration business for more than 25 years, and to save old windows and doors and other period house architectural items, I learned real early that just because there was some rot, I did not have to throw out a window sash or architectural trim, if I use Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (CPES) and Smith's Fill-It Epoxy Filler. I could not stay in business without Smith's epoxy systems." David T. Clark - I Do Windows And Doors-Sacramento CA 916-498-1570 How did Steve Smith come to invent this? Here's Steve Smith to tell you in his own words: Being a chemist and a physicist, I was able to approach the problem of wood rotting and paint failing scientifically, which no one else in this or any related business ever did; there were and are many people making epoxy products, but none of them had a comparable background and were able to approach the problem by identifying the root causes of wood failure and product failure. Peeling paint and rotting wood on wood building exteriors has been common since buildings were first made of wood; there never-before has been a truly effective solution. The conventional maintenance for peeling paint consisted of scrape, putty and paint, and again in a few years scrape, putty and paint. No one realized that the wood fibers themselves were rotting in a thin film under the paint (fungal spores are in the air, everywhere), and its bond to the wood then failed. This increased dramatically in the fifties, when lead oxide (a white pigment) was removed from primers and paints due to growing concerns. There was no substitute provided, and without this mild but effective preservative, even good-quality wood began to rot sooner. The faster-grown wood used on residential and commercial building construction a few decades later had much of its natural rot-resistance bred out of it by the lumber companies whose focus was entirely on making more lumber faster. Even the highest-quality paints were failing sooner on wood with little rot-resistance. So, there was an abundance of failure and a complete vacuum of effective solutions. Because I am a scientist I had the ability to observe and to understand what others could not. I was thus able to develop this modern and effective technology. You can read more about the details of the development of my technology here. My first customers were people with rotting wood on their wood boats, in the early seventies. The Marine environment is vastly more severe than the Architectural environment. After a decade of exceptional performance on boats, the products spread quickly into the architectural marketplace where they easily outperformed the hundred-year-old wood-maintenance technology and products that were all-there-were in the paint, hardware and building-supply stores. Everyone clearly understood that if it worked on a boat, it would definitely give superior performance on a building. After forty years, word-of-mouth about Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer is on every construction-related and boat-related forum where people tell others about the product. Even if they don't use the full name (I admit it is quite a mouthful, but I believe in naming products for what they do) but only two or three of its words, it's Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer that they are talking about. Look for my name on the container; that way you know it's genuine. ------Steve Smith Now, here's more information about the product, its performance in different temperatures, and the Cold Weather
Formula for use in colder weather, even down to freezing.
The long working time (pot life) of these products mean
they will retain their penetrating and moisture-dissolving ability for
more time. Working in cooler weather? Use Smith's Cold Weather Formula™ The Cold Weather Formula™ of Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer was developed because sometimes repairs such as restoration of deteriorated wood, repair of osmosis-damaged fiberglass boats, and/or adhesion-promoting priming for sealants or coatings must be done in the winter. The particular kind of resins that must be used in Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer in order to obtain all its usual performance features, which have made the product famous, do not cure well below about 50° F and essentially stop curing by 40° F. This is a normal characteristic of these products, and has been well known to chemists for half a century. If used in cold weather, after a few days they cure in an incorrect manner and do not develop optimum properties in the wood. Early in 1991 the genius in the research department of Smith & Co. discovered the fundamental reason why this is so, and discovered Smith's Dual Synergistic Catalyst™ which makes it possible for these resin systems to develop a full and predictable cure at temperatures down to 28° F, slightly below freezing! The entire formula was redesigned to take advantage of this new technology. The new formulation behaves essentially the same in freezing weather as Smith's Warm Weather Formula™ does in moderate weather. Smith's Cold Weather Formula was designed to absorb as much water as the existing system does from wood or osmosis-damaged fiberglass laminate, and in addition to dissolve the ice crystals that form in damp materials subjected to below-freezing conditions. The product line was further improved in 2001 when the solvent formulation
was upgraded to give a 50% increase in moisture-dissolving capabilities. Smith's Cold Weather Formula of Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer mixes one-to-one by volume as does the Warm Weather Formula. Once mixed, it is recommended that the product be used within its "pot life", although it will be fluid for much longer. Smith's Cold Weather Formula of Smith's Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (CPES) was designed to be used in the temperature range of 28° F - 65° F. The table of pot life and full cure times below illustrates this. It is a necessary part of the wood restoration process that the solvents be allowed to evaporate out of the wood before paint or filler is applied. The solvent blend in Smith's Cold Weather Formula evaporates about as fast in cold weather as the solvent blend in Smith's Warm Weather Formula does in warm weather. The solvent blend of Smith's Cold Weather Formula has a milder odor, as well as evaporating about six times faster. These features allow restoration work to be completed sooner and to be done in the winter, when most products do not work properly. Restoration of wood inside a house, such as in a bathroom, a door threshold or the inner part of a window sill, should be done with Smith's Cold Weather Formula rather than Smith's Warm Weather Formula when the house is occupied, due to the much milder odor and more rapid solvent vapor dissipation of this version. Nighttime temperatures are usually much less than daytime temperatures and so night provides less progress towards full cure than day. This makes Smith's Cold Weather Formula valuable when the daytime temperatures are in the 50° F ~ 60° F range and/or night temperatures are in the 30° F ~ 40° F range. "Your products are the best and my first choice. Meaning if I need something and you have a product in that line, I take yours without even looking at what other companies offer because your products are top notch and have a value to price ratio as good as others." Winston Lambert, Los Altos Hills, CA © copyright Steve Smith, 1972 - 2018, All Rights Reserved.
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